
Sunday, 5 August 2012

Summary of everything

For the summary of the game, I model the arena and texture it in houdini and maya then import it to Unity and add some lighting to get the environment ready for the game.

After getting the arena ready, we import the player, health and speed box to the scene. Then Script the player for it to move. For the dummy we put it inside the scene and add the enemy ai and attack script for the dummy.

For the picture at the top the yellow line is the line to track the gladiator and follow it around the arena. I script the player attack, hp bar(player),timer and score for the gladiator.

The picture below is the GUI text for the hp bar, time which is 2min and after 2min the game will be over and score board for the player to track their status.

 After getting all of it to work, then my group member add the health and speed box to rotate and heal the gladiator and boost speed if they obtained the pickup.
 After discuss, we then make the dummy able to spawn for every 7 sec. So I script the spawn for the dummy and here's the script for it.

After the gettting the game to work, I start to create the three effects assign to each of us and my 3 effects are fire, blood and heal regen.

After the gettting the game to work, I start to create the three effects assign to each of us and my 3 effects are fire, blood and heal regen.

The blood effect, i did the particle effect and script it such that when the dummy attack, the blood splatter and a 3d text will pop out to indicate the damage receive from the dummy to the player.

The Fire effect, I use particle system with a sub-emitter for the ember and put it on the side of the arena like a torch.

For the health Regen, as the player obtained the health Regen, the particle effect will pop out with a 3d text indicate it heals 100 to the player.

After the effects is ready, I start making the start menu, How to play, Game over and victory menu for the whole game.

Finally after compiling, the game is ready to be played. :D